residential + commercial + development management services



Construction Project Management Services:

The project manager’s job is to act as the owner’s representative throughout the entire project. Essentially, it is Structures CM job to take on the day-to-day management of all aspects of your build-out, including: General Contractor management, vendor management, budgeting and scheduling. This ensures that your project comes in on time and on (or under) budget.

The project manager should be involved in the beginning with the site selection process and work on your project through move-in and occupancy. A project manager’s primary responsibilities may include the following:

I. Site Selection Process: While your broker or owner will be your primary point of contact during the site selection process, it is important to bring in a project manager at this stage as well. Your project manager will assist with test fits for potential spaces, as well as provide project budgets and schedules for you to compare multiple spaces and know how much Tenant Improvement allowances you may need to negotiate into your lease. Services includes:

  1. Participate in Site Selection Process

  2. Entitlement Assistance with Local Planning Departments

  3. Project Budget Assistance and Schedule

  4. Participation with Real Estate Brokers and Lease Negotiations with Owner’s Attorneys

II. Design Process: This is where the project manager really takes the lead. From design discovery, through bidding and design approval, the project manager will coordinate all of the vendors and steps involved in designing the perfect office space for your company.This includes:

  1. Design Discovery

  2. Conceptional Designs and Bids

  3. Design Assistance with the Owner, Architect and Engineers

III. Bids & Permitting: The project manager will guide you through the vendor selection process, as well as the tedious permitting procedure. This period, also known as the “pre-construction” period, is when all of the pieces come together in order for your project to come to life, including the construction drawings, general contractor and construction manager, permits and more.This includes:

  1. Coordinate with Architects and Engineers on the Construction Drawings

  2. Underground Utilities Coordination

  3. Entitlements

  4. Building Permit Applicatioin

  5. Solicit & Review Bids

  6. Assist in the Selection of external Vendors, Contractors & Engineers

  7. Receive Permit

IV. Construction: During the construction process, the project manager will act as your direct point of contact and manage all of the contractors and vendors directly. In order to ensure that your project is delivered on time and on budget, the project manager will perform regular job site inspections, as well as give you scheduled progress updates. In addition, the project manager will coordinate all Furniture Fixtures and Equipment and punch list items:

  1. Contract Review Assistance

  2. Construction Kick-Off

  3. Construction Site Meetings and Progress Updates

  4. Schedule Review

  5. Job Site Inspections and coordination with General Contractor

  6. “Punch List” Cordination

V. Delivery: Once construction comes to an end, most other vendors’ jobs do too. However, the project manager stays with you to coordinate your move in and will be available to help you with any issues that may arise once you have occupied the space, such as:

  1. Utilities Coordination

  2. Project Close-Out Package

  3. Move In

  4. Ongoing Support and Warranty

Helpful Additions:

  1. Recommendations for General Contractors

  2. Recommendations for Sub Contractors

  3. Recommendations for Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Engineers

  4. Recommendations for GeoTechnical Engineers

  5. Recommendations for Independent Inspection Companies

  6. Recommendations for Plan Expediting

  7. Recommendations for Architects

  8. Recommendations for Specialty Subcontractors and Vendors

  9. Recommendations for Demolition and Grading

  10. Recommendations for Environmental Testing & Abating Contractors & Engineers

  11. Recommendations for Commercial and Residential Real Estate Brokers